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Tuesday, 30 August 2016

5 Classes Of People You Meet At A Nigerian Motor Park

The festive period for the month of July has come and gone.

In as much as the roads were a bit dry thanks to the almighty CHANGE era, nonetheless, folks who could afford it, traveled home to spend the holidays with loved ones. Some with their personal vehicles while others used commercial forms of transportation.

Accompanying a relative to the park, I couldn’t help but notice a class of people who’d always spice up the trip by giving us something to laugh about. I guess you’re wondering who I’m referring to yea?

Well here they are:
1. The suya seller

Their arms are mostly adorned with brown paper containing red spicy and not to forget oily roasted meat on sticks or on trays. They are mostly northerners. I dare warn you. If you must eat, be ready to stop to use the loo in the bush. And please don’t forget how they whistle to grab your attention
2. The make-up seller

Pushing a large cart full of various brands, I’m surprised they’ve upgraded themselves by selling top brands like Mary-Kay, Mac, and co. One even told me he has Tara products. I was shocked. And their recommendations, so on point
3. The recharge card seller

Always there to save you in the nick of time when online banking decides to go haywire and you need to make a desperate phone call.
4. The food Seller

Of all the classes of people mentioned, these set of people have impressed me the most. The small bukker owners have upgraded and polished their selling skills from staying in the shop and waiting for customers, to food packaging. They have almost everything packed and ready for sale. And of course, it’s steaming hot like we love it
5. The candy seller

These ones I always find hard to resist. At least to save yourself from stale breath on your trip
Which ones have I missed out? To you, they might be a bug, all up in your face, but to someone, that’s the only opportunity they have to shop and eat. Lol,


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